The meaning of the word POLYMATH is "Wide Knowledge"

At POLYMATH GROUP we believe that having an in-depth knowledge of many different fields gives you an information advantage that fuels innovation. The combination of such knowledge with skills will enable the idea to become a reality.


POLYMATH Group is a Tanzanian-based company dealing with “end-to-end” Business development, management and logistic solutions for international companies to narrow the cultural gap and the challenges that are coming with it. 

 We work across all industries and sectors and offer flexible and effective tools and solutions to each company and project while meeting international policies and standards.

 Tanzania has a lot to offer as it’s the fastest developing country in the region with many large national projects and growing businesses with international goals and capacities.

 POLYMATH Group establishes local infrastructure and supports local and international companies to meet their needs on the ground and meet their current business and future growth goals.

 We work in partnership with international businesses, owners, agents and managers to build a value-adding force on the ground for maximum results in a minimum time.