As of the year 2021 Tanzania’s total electricity supply was 1605.86 MW. Peak electricity demand in the country is expected to roughly quadruple by 2025 to 4,000 MW.

To help meet this demand, Tanzania is targeting an installed capacity of 10 GW by 2025. Meanwhile, the country is aiming to nearly double electrification rates to 75% by 2033.

Tanzania’s electricity generation comes mostly from natural gas (48%), followed by hydropower (31%), petrol (18%), solar (1%), and biofuels (1%). Tanzania also imports power from Uganda (10 MW), Zambia (5 MW), and Kenya (1 MW).

The traditional dependence on hydropower combined with the droughts that are affecting the country often results in power supply shortages. To bridge the electricity supply gap in the country, TANESCO contracted Emergency Power Producers (EPP).